Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too Cute!

So Nick and I are probably up for the award, "worst aunt and uncle." Sophia, Kristen and Marc's little girl, is the cutest baby ever and I have not posted one picture of her. So here is a picture of our niece, Sophia Lucille Magill! She is seven and a half months old and a great addition to the family.

Friday, March 20, 2009


After the doctor check for 2 hands, 2 feet, and 10 fingers and toes she told us we are having a girl! The look on Nick's face was priceless. His first two comments were, "We are going to have more than one kid now." And the other comment was, "She is still getting golf clubs!"

Here is a picture of our little girl. If you can read it it says, "I'm a girl!" And just for the record, the white spot in between her legs is an arrow.

Baby looks 100% healthy. All her measurements are right on track and my due date is still the same, July 26th. She weights 1 pound. We are so thankful that she is healthy!